Productivity Leadership Coach Ellen Faye can help you work smarter, improve effectiveness, reduce overwhelm, and build a better life.
What is Productivity Coaching, Certified Productivity Coach, Leadership Coach, Time Management Coach, Business Coach, Time Management/Productivity Training, Productivity Speaker
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Productivity Coaching

Ellen Faye — with insight, expertise and a strong sense of empathy — provided clear, practical tactics to improve my business efficiency. Her observations and advice combined productivity precepts she’s honed over her career with hands-on activities. As a result, my work days are better defined, my business is closer to achieving its goals, and I sense a greater balance in my personal/work life. Thank you, Ellen! Larry Siegel – Marketing Executive Vice President 

Ellen has taught me ways to approach my mountains of paperwork, my time management issues, my project planning, my business decisions and so much more. Every session with her is incredibly productive, with each minute oriented towards my success!  Jackie Pantaliano – Owner, ImPRessions Public Relations

Ellen helped me shift my thinking and learn to make optimal choices about my time, my workload, and what is important. She has been the perfect person to help me. Ellen has taken me by the hand and the heart and has guided me in a most empowering way.  Marilee Tolen RN, Wellness and Marketing Coach – Marilee Tolen Inc.

Your coaching, although delivered in my office, goes far beyond that one location. I find myself referring to “Ellen-isms” in my day-to-day activities, no matter where I am. While I initially contacted you to help me in my home office, the benefits I have since received are evident in all areas of my life and I am immensely grateful. M.P. – Nonprofit Assistant Director and Entrepreneur

I’ve only had 3 sessions with Ellen Faye, and literally, my whole life has shifted from house-on-fire to brain-on-ice. I have systems for dealing with my four million goals and projects –systems that are simple and dovetail perfectly with my personality and needs. Seriously: three sessions, and I’m calm and ready to slay ALL the goals. Can’t recommend her highly enough if you need help calming down and achieving more! Cyndy Etler – Teen Life Coach

My work days are better defined, my business is closer to achieving its goals, and I sense a greater balance in my personal/work life.
I originally hired Ellen for productivity, which she helped with tremendously. Later when I was facing challenges with business planning, financial modeling and complex problem solving, she turned out to be a genius in these areas as well!

Business Coaching and Strategic Planning

I’ve been coaching with Ellen for over two years. She has been amazingly helpful in a wide array of areas. I originally hired her for productivity, which she helped with tremendously. Later when I was facing challenges with business planning, financial modeling and complex problem solving, she turned out to be a genius in these areas as well! Richard C. – Attorney

I was referred by a colleague after going through a few unforeseen business difficulties. During the hecticness of starting a small business, I had lost my vision regarding why I started and was completely overwhelmed and burnt out. Ellen took the time to really learn my heart and hope for the future of my business, which was invaluable! We worked together to make strategic initiatives that resonated with not just my professional goals, but personal as well. As a Mom of two little boys, I can happily say I have more meaningful time with them, increased focus on my business endeavors, and more organized systems than ever before. I would refer Ellen to anyone who needs help in organizing their thoughts and cutting the clutter of all the shiny opportunities and busy work in their business so you can focus on what truly matters to you. She has been a Godsend to our family and I know she would be for you too. Thank you again Ellen!  J. H. – Registered Dietician

Ellen has been a tremendous guide in helping me start a new business. Her business skills and keen sense of what is necessary to make things happen are just part of her outstanding coaching capabilities. She also helps you define your purpose, goals, and strengths, and then creatively suggests how they should be presented in an appealing way. Her computer skills are top notch and up to date, and her energy and enthusiasm about making your business successful are inspiring and motivating. Donald Friedman M.D. – Retired Physician

My day with you was transformational. Not only did you help me with clarity, you helped me with a long term strategy for my business. Your help in creating a concrete plan made it easy to see how I could prioritize and fit all of the pieces into my business for the next year.  Cris Sgrott – Owner at Organizing Maniacs, LLC

Ellen came prepared with a wealth of tools and exercises to help us get clear on our big picture and to develop a plan of action for our priorities. She was an objective voice that helped us to hear one another, work through challenges, and to stay focused on the items that were most important. We planned for a two day retreat – thanks to Ellen’s talents as a coach, productivity expert, and facilitator we completed our agenda on the first day.  Shannon Tamme – Gateway Organizers

Leadership Coaching

As the Executive Director of a growing nonprofit organization, I am tasked with making important decisions in a rapidly changing environment and with limited resources. When I needed a sounding board and a safe space to talk through urgent decisions, I began working with Ellen Faye. Ellen brings a vast toolkit of useful techniques, planning tools, and research informed advice to our sessions. She’s also supportive and a careful listener, who listens for and reflects back to her clients their own wisdom, with new clarity. Reaching out to Ellen was a great decision. She is a wonderful resource for nonprofit directors.  A.S. – Nonprofit Executive Director

Ellen is great at helping me think though the pros and cons of a situation, what my role might be, and how I can best resolve challenges.  She understands how to motivate people with different personalities and agendas, and knows how to support me in guiding them to reach our goals. Laura Neuman-Howe – Missouri Environmental Fund, Director

Your recommendation for me to stay focused on our mission made all the difference. Now that the Board and Executive Team are on the same page, we are making so much progress.  K.R. – General Manager

Ellen, you show leadership in many ways. And one of them is recognizing it in others and telling them so. Not just me. I see you doing it all the time, now that I am paying attention. And it’s contagious. I find myself handing out compliments more readily, too, under your influence. Hazel Thornton – Organized for Life, NAPO President’s Award Recipient

Ellen brings a vast toolkit of techniques, planning tools, and research informed advice to our sessions. She’s a supportive and careful listener, who listens for and reflects back to her clients their own wisdom, with new clarity.
Ellen’s workshop was engaging and relevant! Participants walked away with applicable tools and takeaways that could be applied immediately to help improve both productivity and general organizational skills.  I highly recommend this workshop and the use of Ellen’s expertise, no matter the industry, as her principles and guideposts apply universally to us all.


Ellen recently gave an all-day training to our employees during a company retreat. As the evaluations have come back in, people are raving about Ellen and the quality of her content! She kept our team members engaged and actively participating for over six hours! Wow. I would highly recommend her for any leadership, client management, or communication training.  Mindy Godding – Partner at Abundance Organizing

Ellen’s workshop was engaging and relevant!  We all struggle with the push/pull of work life balance while meeting our obligations within the confines of a finite number of hours within a day and days within a week.  Ellen’s style and approach encouraged the attendees to think differently.  Participants walked away with applicable tools and takeaways that could be applied immediately to help improve both productivity and general organizational skills.  I highly recommend this workshop and the use of Ellen’s expertise, no matter the industry, as her principles and guideposts apply universally to us all. Sarah E. Ginnetti, MBA, MHA – President, Connecticut HFMA Chapter

APDO was thrilled to host Ellen as our closing keynote speaker at our conference in London. “The Magic of Motivating” not only gave insight in how to motivate, set goals, and inspire our clients, but also how we can keep motivating ourselves while running our businesses. Ellen is a great speaker, who keeps her audience engaged every moment. I couldn’t recommend Ellen more! She’s excellent! Ingrid Jansen – President,  Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers. United Kingdom

Finally something new! I have attended dozens of conference sessions. Yours is the BEST I have heard. So filled with information. So easy to understand. You certainly raised the bar for our attendees AND our profession. Anne G. – Association Leader

No surprise that your feedback is STELLAR! You DID a great job. The feedback shows just how valuable your workshop was. K.G. – Professional Development Director

Your workshop was the highlight of my conference experience.  The main reason was because I had an unexpected gift which resulted in a shift in my thinking. By going through your exercises, (experiencing them, and practicing them) I identified the pillars of my business! Rather than the negative of what am I NOT doing, it is a HUGE POSITIVE: These core values are my map to guide my focus. I left feeling enlightened, energized and lifted!  D.M.  – Small Business Owner


Anonymous speaker evaluation feedback

  • Brilliant, Ellen is fueled by her personal passion to convey to others the possibility of them too being highly productive.
  • Last night Ellen empowered the crowd.
  • Awesome presentation! You had me thinking in different ways which is so important.
  • Great presentation! Full of wonderful advice and tips. Thank you!
  • Thank you for an excellent workshop! I learned so much and I’m excited to keep growing.