Concrete takeaways and the motivation to implement them! Topics: productivity, time management, leadership, volunteer engagement, and business development.
Certified Productivity Coach, productivity training, productivity speaker, volunteer engagement, time management training, guest speaker, Naples, FL, Southwest FL, Florida, business programs, leadership programs, women programs
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Workshops & Training: Live or Virtual

I am a leader, productivity expert, and entrepreneur. My teaching reflects what I have learned from both my leadership experiences and from working with clients for the past 20+ years.

My creative ideas, real-world experiences, and practical solutions will ensure your next program is motivating, informative, and fun!

Your audience will leave with both applicable takeaways and the motivation to implement them.

I would love to be YOUR next speaker!

Coach Ellen Faye Productivity Speaker

Impactful Topics

Download my Speaker One Sheet.

Productivity Training: Unlock Your Productivity Potential©

This training reflects the key learnings presented in my recently published book Productivity for How You’re Wired.  I will customize a program for your organization based on your interests and session(s) duration.

Topics Menu

    • The 5 Pillars of Productivity
    • Discovering Your Productivity Style
    • Productivity, Stress and Flow
    • Procrastination and Burnout
    • The Productivity Flow Framework
    • Time Matters – tips to maximize time
    • Email Management
    • Working Remote, From Home, and Hybrid


  • Learning is enhanced when time is allotted for exercises and discussions during the program.
  • A comprehensive program can be offered as a series, a ½ day, or full day workshop.
  • One or two hour programs should focus on two or three key topics.
Leadership Training: Productivity for Leaders©

It’s hard to have a productive team without being an effective leader. And it’s hard to be an effective leader without having a productive team. In this workshop we delve into leadership from a productivity perspective.

Topics Menu

  • Leadership, productivity, and team flow
  • Building successful teams
  • Confident communication and collaboration
  • Effective decision making and problem solving
  • Productive delegation, follow up, and accountability
  • Leading effective meetings
  • Handling conflict and toxic team members
  • The Ego Essence Leadership Continuum©
Volunteer Engagement Training: Inspiring Leadership©

Leading volunteer teams has unique challenges. This program has been designed to specifically support volunteer leaders.

Topics Menu

  • Building a volunteer success culture
  • Engaging leaders, volunteers, and members
  • Developing a volunteer leadership pipeline
  • Creating meaningful volunteer experiences
  • Strategic Planning education and/or facilitation for volunteer boards
Business Training:

Topic Specific Programs

  • From Talent to Profit© – Created for entrepreneur organizations to help their members turn their talents into profitable businesses.
  • The Magic of Motivating© – Learn how motivation drives engagement, satisfaction, and success.
  • The Magic Name Tag© – Leadership training for new/newer managers and emerging leaders.
  • Strategic Planning Facilitation – for entrepreneurs and small business

My Approach

As your speaker I promise to:
  • Deliver an engaging presentation that both inspires and educates.
  • Invest the time to understand your audience; ensuring that content meets your needs and experience levels.
  • Provide both high level conceptual content for your big picture thinkers and specific tactics for your implementers.
  • Ensure the time your team spends at the session is made up in increased effectiveness and productivity many times over.
  • Create the perfect keynote, workshop, concurrent session, or training series to fit your schedules, goals, and priorities.

I would love to be your productivity speaker, your leadership speaker, your business speaker…the speaker your audience will love!

Ellen presents


  • I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation. It was so incredibly actionable, and you explained things so well.
  • I have attended dozens of conference sessions. Yours is the BEST I have heard. So filled with information. Finally something new!
  • Great content…this program makes me better.
  • Awesome presentation! You helped me thinking differently. 
  • This is one of the best workshops I’ve taken!  Great presentation with very valuable information.
  • You displayed an ease and warmth with the audience and held their attention with your knowledge, expertise, and pace.

Client Testimonials