Task & Time Management
Do you often think “If I can just get through this week, I’ll be okay,” and the next week you feel just as out of control? In our current work climate, there just isn’t enough time to get your important work done. This is where time management skills and strategies come in. With proper support you CAN increase your productivity.
As your Productivity Coach I will work with you to:
- Customize productivity tools to maximize your strengths
- Show you how to prioritize your tasks so you work with less stress
- Simplify your routines so you can focus on the work that counts
- Streamline your work space to increase your productivity
- Leverage your technology to enhance your work
“Time Management isn’t about managing your time – it’s about managing your work.” Ellen Faye
“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ~ Warren Buffett
Focus and Setting Priorities
Saying “NO” is the most powerful productivity tool ever, however, saying “NO” isn’t always so easy. The Myers Briggs Foundation estimates that 46% of the US population are Perceivers (last letter – P or J). Perceivers inherently like to keep their options open, and it goes against their nature to say “no.” What are you supposed to do? Getting clear on goals and priorities helps.
As your Productivity Coach I will:
- Support you in developing a personal strategic plan to guide your work. This plan will help you to
- Clarify what’s important and set your goals accordingly
- Set priorities to support your goals and drive results
- Support you in conducting weekly focus sessions to keep you on target
- Help you to help those you work with to develop goals and priorities, and if desired, work with them as well
- Teach you my personalized system for managing ongoing priorities
Productivity Coaching Topics
- Connecting time, goals, and priorities
- Task management
- Strategies to mitigate procrastination
- Time planning
- Boundaries and balance
- Email management (+Slack +Teams)
- Remote work support
- Personal and business strategic planning
- Delegation and accountability
- Decision making
- Meeting effectiveness
- Creating conditions for team flow
Productivity – the intentional use of time.
Ellen’s Book is Now Available

Find The Way You Work Best
Do you know you could be more productive, but just can’t figure out HOW?
If you’ve put in the work, tried the apps and planners, but still aren’t getting the results you’d hoped for — it’s not hopeless! You just haven’t discovered the way YOU work best.
Because it’s not about doing more.
It’s about doing the right things in the way that’s right for you — not just for better productivity, but for a less stressful, more intentional and fulfilling life.
Productivity for How You’re Wired gives insight into Ellen’s approach to productivity, leadership, and coaching so that you can finally find the way you work best.
LEARN MORE Every minute with Ellen is focused on my success.
You've taught me new ways to handle my time management issues, project planning, business decisions, & more!
Jackie Pantaliano, Owner, ImPRessions
You make me a better leader one task at a time.
You have a unique ability to help me identify what is most important - and then prioritize it so I can get it done.
Phyllis Levy, Sr. V.P., Rita's Franchise Co.
I finished my PhD! Our coaching made such a difference.
We coached when I started my PhD to still excel at work and meet other goals too. I graduated and got promoted too, so thank you!
Alexis Tsoukalas, MSSA/MSW, PhD
I sense a greater balance in my personal and work life.
With insight, expertise and a strong sense of empathy, Ellen provided clear, practical tactics to improve my business efficiency.
Larry Siegel, Marketing Executive
I’m calm and ready to slay ALL the goals.
I've only had 3 sessions with Ellen Faye so far, and literally, my whole life has shifted from house-on-fire to brain-on-ice.
Cyndy Etler, Teen Life Coach
You’ve guided me in a most empowering way.
Ellen helped me shift my thinking and learn to make optimal choices about my time, my workload, and what is important.
Marilee Tolen RN, Wellness Coach