How To Better Manage Your Time
Simple strategies you can implement starting now.
Time management, getting things done, time management coach, importance of time management, time management definition, productivity coach
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How To Better Manage Your Time

How To Better Manage Your Time

Time Management Clock 24/7Time management is such a funny phrase.  We all banter it about like we understand it, but really what does it mean?  My definition of Time Management is getting done what you have to do so there is time to do what you want to do. There is such a wealth of information and tools to help manage your time – but as with everything I espouse IF IT’S NOT EASY, IT’S TOO HARD.

What works?  Here are some simple strategies you can implement starting now:

  • Set meetings with start and end times:  When setting appointments, meetings and networking don’t just set a start time SET AN END TIME.  If I’ve budgeted an hour for a coffee meeting and the person I’m meeting budgets two than one of us is going to be disappointed.  When setting meetings make it clear: “I’ve got us down from 1pm to 2pm”
  • Stay in control of interruptions: You don’t have to answer the phone when it rings – but if it is someone you want to talk to there are techniques that you can use that will keep you from getting off course.  State up front how much time you have (or want to invest): “I’ve got 20 minutes” 
  • Give your work a time budget.  Just like you know how much money you’ll spend for an item ($18 entrée ok…$38 entrée too much) think about how much time is reasonable to spend on a specific task (1 hour ok…3 hours too much).  If I have deemed a project to be worth one hours’ worth of time not only will I set a timer for an hour to cue me to stop, but I’ll set another for 45 minutes, so I know when I have 15 minutes left.  Always ask yourself “how much time is this task worth?”

When determining your time commitment keep in mind Pareto’s Principal (the 80/20 guy I talk about all the time.) You will accomplish 80% of your work in 20% of the time.  That means if you meet someone for coffee/lunch/networking you’ll have held the most important parts of the conversation in the first hour, anything additional contributes minimally.

  • Ellen Delap
    Posted at 21:39h, 08 April Reply

    Love the idea of a time budget! Of course we would not overspend on an item we felt less valuable. So why would be spend our MOST valuable asset more time on something less worthy.

    It’s a great perspective! Thanks for sharing.

  • Ellen Faye
    Posted at 08:09h, 09 April Reply

    You are so right Ellen D. It’s good to be mindful of. I might spend 30 minutes more on something than I deem it worth, but that’s a lot better than 60 minutes….

  • Hazel Thornton
    Posted at 09:08h, 09 April Reply

    You and I think a lot alike, Ellen. I’m sharing this with my followers!

  • Susan Lasky
    Posted at 22:19h, 09 April Reply

    These specifics are SO important. The more we have clarity and prioritize our work and time, the easier to get things accomplished!
    Especially so for those of us who lean towards avoidance or hyper-focus. Setting the timer helps to get started, and that buzzer helps to shift away from a task and on to the next priority. Thanks, Ellen – I’ve shared this on my FB page, SusanLaskySolutions.

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