Too Much On Your To Do List
If the answer isn't clearly "yes", then it probably should be "no."
too much to do, effective to do list, too much on my to do list, productivity coach, time management
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Too Much On Your To Do List

Too Much On Your To Do List

Making A List And Checking It Twice

Making A List And Checking It Twice

No… not talking about Santa’s list.  I’m talking about your TO DO list.  If you’re putting EVERYTHING on your list you are probably overwhelmed.  Before you say YES to a task or opportunity, run it through a filter list that helps you sort the yes’s from the no’s:

Possible Filter List Questions:   

  • Will it help someone or something important to me?
  • Will it help me grow personally or professionally?
  • Will it help me reach my goals?
  • Will I have fun doing it?
  • Will it give me joy?

Not sure? Ask yourself:

  • What’s the worst thing that will happen if I say NO?
  • Why should I say YES, and why should I say NO?
  • If I say YES to this, what will I be saying NO to?

If the answer isn’t clearly “yes”, then it probably should be “no.”

  • Tiffany Lynn Lepp
    Posted at 17:09h, 11 December Reply

    Ellen, I love this filter list.

    It is so easy to get caught up in life and keep going from one activity to the next that we rarely take the time to step back and evaluate if what we are doing is actually getting us to where we want to go.

    I printed out this list and put it on a little index card next to my computer. Thanks for sharing!

  • Ellen Faye
    Posted at 07:33h, 12 December Reply

    Thanks Tiffany! Glad you like it. I did a workshop yesterday and we were talking about this. The group seemed to like the idea about “when we say yes to something, we are saying no to something else.” So important to remember at this time of year!

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