Top 10 Google Search Tips
Google is so much more than just a search tool. Use it for spelling, math, image searching, definitions, weather, and my very favorite - the Google Timer.
Spelling, Images, Definitions, Math, Dates, Timer, Weather, Productivity, Time Management,
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Top 10 Google Search Tips

Top 10 Google Search Tips

search bar

Sometimes just the smallest thing makes a difference.  We spend a lot of time on computers and if we could do what we needed to do faster than there would be more time to do the things we want to do.  Here are my Top Ten Google Search Tricks that help me save time.

Tip Issue Type in Results
1. Spell Don’t know how to spell a word? Type in the word spell and your closest guess. As long as your guess is reasonably close, Google returns the correct spelling Spell infintesimal Infinitesimal
2. Google Images When looking for a product, type in product description and select “images” for your search tool (grey options across the top – 3rd one) Desk top file and select “search images” Pages of desk top files pictures that you can shop from
 3. Define Need a definition?  You don’t need to go to a dictionary website.  Type in “define” and the word. Define Complementary Full dictionary definition
4. Minus Sign If you want to find something but leave out certain results use the minus sign Caterpillar – tractor Insect options not machinery company options
5. Date Range To identify a range of years use two periods. I use it often to get the most current technology results iPhone updates 2018..2019 Only listings posted during that range of dates
 6. Timer Let your computer alert you after a certain amount of time?  Type in “timer” and the length of time. Timer 10 minutes A countdown timer that dings when you are out of time
7. Math Don’t have a calculator handy?  Google does equations. Type in the equation and you’ll get the answer 365 * 24 8760
8. Weather What’s the temperature outside weather and zip code 10 day forecast
9. Answers questions Google is just like your smart phone’s assistant (Siri) When is daylight savings 2014 Starts March 9, Ends Nov 2
10. Exact Words When searching for exact words use quotes to delineate the exact words you are looking for  “Michael C. Jones” Only searches that have the words Michael C. Jones, in that order.


  • Hazel Thornton
    Posted at 10:03h, 22 October Reply

    Ha ha….this looks like something I would do. But I did NOT know 6 and 7!

  • Ellen Faye
    Posted at 10:47h, 22 October Reply

    6 is my favorite one Hazel (well tied with #1). I used to use a timer with the Google side bar, but when that went away I found this. Regardless, a timer is critical to my productivity.

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