Better Work Better Life Blog
Making Productivity and Leadership More Human
productivity coach, leadership coach, time management coach, business coach,nonprofit, small business, organizations and associations
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Better Work Better Life Blog

At this time of year when time and space are at a premium, it’s helpful to clear space quickly and without much emotional investment. Be it at home or at the office, there is ALWAYS too much information around. Imagine the space you can make by doing a quick publications purge. 

Here are some thoughts to help you move them from prime space to the recycling bin:

  • Many of the magazines we have today are freebies that are sent to raise the subscription rates to attract more advertisers…you didn’t ask for them, are they really worth your time and space?   (more…)

“THEY” say that if we have too much to do that we should delegate, but sometimes that seems like it gets us in more trouble. Delegation works when the person we are delegating to 1) feels some sense of responsibility to us and 2) knows we will follow-up. Here is my 3 step process for successful delegation:

  1. Delegate only to people that are committed to you – if they aren’t team players find them a new “team” (except I know you can’t get rid of your kids…) (more…)

Help with the WHY’s and HOW’s – A professional organizer helps the client with the “hows.” A professional coach helps the client with the “whys.” An Organizer Coach combines these two valuable skills to best move clients towards their visions and goals in a realistic, manageable, and dynamic way.

A Professional Organizer enhances the lives of clients by designing systems and processes using organizing principles and through transferring organizing skills. (source: National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals)

A Coach is a trained professional who partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. (source: International Coaching Federation)

A professional organizer’s work is extraordinarily valuable to many individuals in many different situations. Learning new ways to manage space and possessions can have a substantial impact on improving the quality of people’s work and lives. But sometimes the actual act of organizing isn’t enough. For some people it is important to delve into the “whys.” Utilizing coaching techniques, an Organizer Coach can help clients:

  • gain clarity around their long term vision for their work and life
  • understand the value of creating work processes and systems to complement their visions and goals
  • anchor their actions with their long term goals through action plans, accountability systems, and support

Typically when organizing a business client we begin by assessing what is working, what isn’t working, and where the stressors are. By evaluating these issues utilizing a coaching style, the root problems tend to surface. Only when we understand the true problem can we solve it in a way that is longlasting and sustainable.

Bloggers Note: When I first wrote this post in 2013 my business mix was about 90% professional organizing and 10% productivity coaching. Fast forward 10 years and I’m now coaching 100% of the time. I support my clients in delving into issues around their productivity, business processes, and leadership. I’ve written a book on productivity that continues to sell about 100 copies a month on Amazon (that’s good – average book sales is 250 a year!) Yet, at the heart of it there are always discussions and questions around organizing. It’s such a universal challenge.  I’d love to help you be more organized and productive ultimately resulting in better work and a better life.